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3D Pen

The 3D Printer Pens are fun for students to use and allow them to see how a design created on paper can materialize into a physical object. These pens rapidly melt and then cool plastic filament.   The activities are perfect for any unit related to design, and the pen provides students with the opportunity to literally draw in 3D. 


3D Product Design

3D Design (3D) is about the design of objects, environment and space within personal and public domains. The central focus is on improving the quality of things we use and the spaces we live in through creative design.

Students will learn a comprehensive set of skills to understand users, frame problems and articulate solutions with design methods, tools and thoughts.


3D Printing

Desktop additive manufacturing is one of the fastest growing industries in the world and is proven to be a crucial tool in multiple professions.


3D Printing aims to impart skills to students, which will enable them to effectively utilize 3D printers and related design skills. 


The course contains a great mix of theoretical and practical applications to ensure that participants acquire plentiful hands on experience with 3D printers and 3D design software. The course also focuses on giving students the tools to bring additive manufacturing skills and knowledge to their worklife. 

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