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Basic Computing Skills

(for Age 5 onward)



We highly recommend all the students to go through the basic computing class. As proper technique gives them a head start and it provides a foundation from which they will become proficient in the future.


Teaching kids these skills allow them to operate safely and effectively on computer devices.


(Different Age groups will get customised Programme every month)

Two Friends with a Tablet
Technology at School

Introduction to

Google Apps



  • Create an email account.

  • Explore the google apps

  • Create My first Youtube account and use it to share work.

  • Create my first website 

  • (Students can use the website and YouTube to showcase their work)

Cyber Wellness


Cyber Wellness help students understand the internet and learn how to be safe in the online world. Cyber Wellness (CW) refers to the positive well-being of Internet users. It involves an understanding of online behaviour and awareness of how to protect oneself in cyberspace. The focus of CW is about helping students to become responsible digital learners.

Professional eSport Gamers
Game Character Creation

Graphic Design for Beginners

(Introduction to Digital Art)


Digital art is an artistic work or practise that uses digital technology as part of the creative or presentation process.


  • Design and create objects / characters / backgrounds 

  • Introduction to poster designing and birthday card (digital work will be sent to parents via email)

Digital Animation (Introduction to

Stop Motion Animation)



Design and animate a simple stop motion animation

(digital work will be sent to parents via email)

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Introduction to Game Designing



With basic game designing, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations and share your creations with others. It helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively, essential skills for life in the 21st century.

Introduction to

3D Doodling



A 3D pen is a pen that extrudes heated or warm plastic from the pen’s nozzle. You don’t need any software. There are no files to transfer, and no difficult tech to master. In the words of a teacher we work with, “whatever you imagine, you can draw. It goes from your brain to your hand, right there"

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Introduction to

3D Designing



  • Tinkercad is a 3D modeling program.

  • It’s known for its simplicity and ease of use.

  • It is a popular platform for creating models for 3D printing as well as an entry-level introduction to constructive solid geometry in schools.

Introduction to

3D Printing


3D printing is the process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process, an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the object is created.


Let's create our own toys!

3D Printing
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Introduction to AR (Augmented Reality)


Augmented reality is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world is enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory.

Digital 2D Animation


2D animation is the art of creating movement in a two-dimensional space. This includes characters, creatures, FX and backgrounds. The illusion of movement is created when individual drawings are sequenced together over time. This allows artists to save on production time/costs and gives 2D animation its unique look.


2D animation software designed for both ability of entry and productivity. You can turn images into animated characters, control characters with your expressions, generate lip-sync animation from audio, accomplish 3D parallax scenes, produce 2D visual effects, access content resources, and we can also design customise characters and create content.

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Playing with Toy Vehicles

Introduction to




Robotics is an interdisciplinary field that integrates computer science and engineering. Robotics involves the design, construction, operation, and use of robots. The goal of robotics is to design machines that can help and assist humans.


In addition to STEM literacy, studies are showing that robotics can encourage other broader skills like hands-on creativity, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork. So teaching robotics isn’t just about setting up your kid to have a career as a computer programmer or engineer, but equipping them with tech and problem-solving skills they’ll need for education and work. And while you may think of robotics clubs as only for middle and high schoolers, research has shown that, when robotics is introduced in pre-K to second grade, children are also able to master basic robotics and programming skills. Many of these robot kits can be given to children as young as 3 years old, while some are more advanced for 8+.

Introduction to Micro-bit


The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that introduces you to how software and hardware work together. It has an LED light display, buttons, sensors and many input/output features that you can program and physically interact with. The latest micro:bit adds sound sensing and playback capabilities.


The micro:bit helps you understand how computers work. When you type on your laptop or touch the screen on your phone, you’re using an input device. Inputs allow computers to sense things happening in the real world, so they can act on this and make something happen, usually on an output like a screen or headphones. In between the input and the output, there is the processor. This takes information from inputs like buttons, and makes something happen on outputs, like playing a song in your headphones.


Cellphone Snapshot

Introduction to

Basic Photography



Teach a child photography, and their curiosity and creativity will skyrocket. But teaching photography for kids isn’t quite the same as teaching photography to adults. Chances are, adults already have an idea of what a good photograph is supposed to look like. This sets the bar too high from the start. But kids? Kids are naturally curious and expressive. They don’t yet have the creativity-squashing rules in their minds. Teaching photography for kids is less about learning rules. It’s more about allowing creativity to blossom.

Introduction to


(Pre-production /Production/Post-Production)​



"Children have the opportunity to try everything from playing sports to learning a musical instrument when they are growing up," says Dr Bisaga. The Doctor suggests that when you’re thinking of an extracurricular activity to expose your child to, consider letting them try out video production as well. This can provide a way for the child to explore his creative side. He may learn that he has a real eye for photography or a knack for public speaking. No matter what the case, kids can explore their individual talents through the lens. "Different kids have different learning styles," says Dr Bisaga. "For visually-oriented children, video could provide an opportunity to explore a visual channel of communication." So, next time you break out your camcorder, you might consider letting the kids do the shooting. You never know how it might benefit them as they grow. Whatever the case, it will create memories through a child’s eye. Best of all, it will give the kids a new outlet for fun.

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