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Age 08 - 18



Pre-Production, Production & Post-Production


  • Film making

  • Screenwriting

  • Storyboard

  • Cinematography

  • Digital Editing

  • Documentary Film making

  • Production

  • Visual Effects

  • Broadcast Journalism

Our innovative film programs are designed for a new generation of storytellers. With an unrivalled approach to hands-on, interactive learning, students find themselves completely immersed in their course of study from day one. Classes are taught by industry professionals, in a real-world environment with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.



"Children have the opportunity to try everything from playing sports to learning a musical instrument when they are growing up," says Dr. Bisaga. The Doctor suggests that when you’re thinking of an extracurricular activity to expose your child to, consider letting them try out video production as well. This can provide a way for the child to explore his creative side. He may learn that he has a real eye for photography or a knack for public speaking. No matter what the case, kids can explore their individual talents through the lens. "Different kids have different learning styles," says Dr. Bisaga. "For visually-oriented children, video could provide an opportunity to explore a visual channel of communication." So, next time you break out your camcorder, you might consider letting the kids do the shooting. You never know how it might benefit them as they grow. Whatever the case, it will create memories through a child’s eye. Best of all, it will give the kids a new outlet for fun.

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