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Our Art class introduces you to various art movements, cultural influences, artists, and their artwork.

The main emphasis of our classes is to teach you hands-on studio arts techniques as you conduct personal research and explore your own creativity. 

Our Artworks

Age Groups

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$120 - 4 sessions per month

(3 years old to 4 years old.)

Introduction to different art tools and techniques. In this age group children are learning to better control their hand and wrist movements. 

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$130 - 4 sessions per month

(6 years old to 7.5  years old.)

This age group is learning to use materials, tools and processes from a variety of media (printmaking, painting, sculpture, ceramic. Learn about renown artists and their artworks. encourage to use children's own imagination to produce artworks.

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$120 - 4 sessions per month

( 4  years old to 6 years old.)

In this age group, children's are more aware of forms, they use simple shapes to create objects and learn about artists and art mediums.

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JD - Junior DaVinci

$130 - 4 sessions per month

(7.5 years old to 10 years old.)

Recognize elements of design in works of art also able to analyse, interpret and evaluate the form and content of works of art. Introduction to oil painting. 

RA- Renaissance Artists

$150 - 4 sessions per month 

(10 years to 12 years old)

develop creativity, art skills, critical thinking and communication skills and also construct knowledge, and cultivate positive values and attitudes. 

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