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 Technology encourages learners to build castles in the air. After all, imagination is at the heart of innovation. Learning never ends.

Enrichment Beyond The Classroom

3D Printing

3D Pen

Hand Drawn Animation

Scratch Programming

Digital Animation

Paper Cut Animation

Age Groups

Contact via WhatsApp to book a time slot. 5 students per class. 

Little Falcons 

$130- 4 sessions per month

(5 years old to 7 years old.)

Every child who have joined the ICT course has to go though The Essential Computer Skills Set
  • File Maintenance and Organization

  • Basic Computer Troubleshooting

  • Online Privacy, Security, and Safety Skills

Junior Buteos

$150 - 4 sessions per month

( 8 years old to 10 years old.)

Every child who have joined the ICT course has to go though The Essential Computer Skills Set
  • File Maintenance and Organization

  • Basic Computer Troubleshooting

  • Online Privacy, Security, and Safety Skills

Black Vultures

$150 - 4 sessions per month

( 10 years old to 12 years old.)

Every child who have joined the ICT course has to go though The Essential Computer Skills Set
  • File Maintenance and Organization

  • Basic Computer Troubleshooting

  • Online Privacy, Security, and Safety Skills

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