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The world is changing and getting more and more advanced in technology each day. With an increase in smart technology and a possible future of AI robots, the future begins now. Why not let students have a hand in making and piecing robot toys that they can feel excited about seeing them come alive like in the movies!


Robotics is an interdisciplinary field that integrates computer science and engineering. Robotics involves the design, construction, operation, and use of robots. The goal of robotics is to design machines that can help and assist humans.


In addition to STEM literacy, studies are showing that robotics can encourage other broader skills like hands-on creativity, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork. So teaching robotics isn’t just about setting up your kid to have a career as a computer programmer or engineer, but equipping them with tech and problem-solving skills they’ll need for education and work. And while you may think of robotics clubs as only for middle and high schoolers, research has shown that, when robotics is introduced in pre-K to second grade, children are also able to master basic robotics and programming skills. Many of these robot kits can be given to children as young as 3 years old, while some are more advanced for 8+.


What abilities can we develop in kids?


1.Inventiveness: The process of trial-and-error, thinking while building blocks and parts with hands stimulates to the creative ideas and helps to acquire inventiveness.


2.Space Cognition and Space Perception: While playing with blocks and parts, kids can learn the notion of space and nurture ability to think from many perspectives.


3.Creativity: Realizing an image into shapes using blocks and customizing it will give a joy of expressing a freedom of thinking. This will stimulate a notion of creativity.


4.Scientific Knowledge: Scientific knowledge such as “principle of leverage“, "friction“, and mechanism of power driven tools like gears and motors can be learnt through the experience of robot construction.

Playing with Toy Vehicles
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